"Genesis" is an intriguing and philosophical sculptural work that questions our relationship with time, existence and materiality. The acrylic resin skulls look like the remains of an archaeology of the future.  

The appearance of the skulls suggests deconstruction. Each piece retains traces of meticulous modelling, a preview of thought projected into matter. This modelling process then becomes a reflection on the way in which thought materialises, how the abstract takes shape and freezes in eternity. 

These fragmented skulls, remnants of a past still in the making, question the nature of the testimony they bear. Are they remnants of a bygone past, memories of a forgotten era, or the beginnings of a new genesis, heralding an as yet undefined future? By freezing thought in matter, these sculptures become enduring clues to a philosophical reflection on the nature of existence and time. 

Human beings, in this universe, seem to be the fruit of a complex and thoughtful process that spans time and reality. XXIOO's approach invites us to consider the idea that we could have been thought of, imagined, even before we were born. Each sculpture then becomes an intersection of idea and matter, a silent testimony to a thought that transcends time.